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Personal Gaming Thread

Started by Jason, January 31, 2014 @ 05:25 PM

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Let me know what you think of Risk. Was hoping it would be more like $4.99 or $9.99 tops.


It is the basic game with the standard options (auto/manual territories, troops, etc). That alone makes it a step ahead of EA's version. Plays really slow and you are constantly having to hit buttons to speed it up and skip some of the dialogue (yes they have someone commentating on every move).  Will check the game options to see if there is a way to skip some of that completely. There is custom AI for the CPU players so it will be interesting to how varied they are.


Please be halfway descent. The games I have wanted since I first picked up a controller. 

Summer Camp

Tom Savini is involved, Kane Hodder (The best Jason) is the lead role and Henry Manfredini (The guy who wrote the music to the original Friday the Thirteenth) is doing the music.

Also a Friday the 13th game is coming that I had no clue about, created by the man himself, Sean Cunningham.


Just finished Dying Light with well over 50 hours to complete story and the majority of the side missions. The final story mission was terrific, outside of one bit I will not spoiler but is a pet peeve. It is long and requires you to utilize everything you learned from the game and all of the enemies you have faced.  I did find that as I leveled up I spent more time slicing zombies, then running from them. Nightfall is not so bad as you get dug into the second map but death is still right around the corner.

Best part of the game are actually some of the side missions. Quarantine Zones are a real stand out.  The grappling hook has never been so well done in a game and the parkour is just a few little issues from being darn near perfect. Combat was better than Dead Island, especially when you switch to manual melee. Far from perfect but they take all the big issues with Dead Island and make them more user friendly (crafting on the fly). A rare game that actually put some scares into me and the soundtrack is a throwback to 80's horror movies.  Highly recommend the game. Long enough to easily pay for itself but not something I really need to make another run through as I did the majority of events in the game.

Now I need to find something to get me by until The Order: 1866 comes out.


Since I am the only one posting the past few days, just thought I would share my FIFA 15 experience this weekend.  So I made a really long post discussing the PES series, Celtic, Rangers, Scottish football history and how this applied to my new season in FIFA 15, only to have some weird disconnect upon posting and I lost everything.

Moral to the story, copy/paste before posting long winded replies. 

Side note: Isn't it about time you open up the gates a bit to get a few new users? I can always talk to myself without having to use a keyboard.


Well I've been rotating through a few new games.

I continue my Madden 15 connected franchise as owner Khan with the Jacksonville Jaguars.  I've only been playing on Pro since I'm old and suck and my team is a very unrealistic 9-1, but I'm really enjoying playing the games and developing the players.  If I didn't win these games though I don't think I would make any money and I would end up losing the team.  However, I don't think owner mode is broken like I've read on some other forums.  I think really bad teams just have to make some really tough choices if you are playing realistically  (all pro and above).

My son picked up Elite:Dangerous during the open beta and he said good things about it.  I picked it up after release and hve sunk some hours into it, but other than great visuals and sound, and really fun combat I don't think there is much game there and it has a long way to go re:content.  It's something I put a couple hours a week into.

Darkest Dungeon released into Early Access on Steam last week and I've put about 20 hours into that.  For Early Access its very polished and feels complete.  This is a game where you go on quests with your party and you spend more time managing their mental health than anything else.  Also, sacrificing some of their lives is expected to complete the quest.  This isn't about gathering loot and leveling up to super heroes.  This is grinding out fights trying to restore your family estate while watching humans get battered along the way.  All become afflicted, many die, a few reach hero like status, and hopefully in the end you win.

DCS world is the current flight sim that I'm stuck on right now.  Flying one of the campaigns in Flaming Cliffs 3 with a Soviet era SU-25 Frogfoot CAS aircraft (similar in role to our A10).

Hope that helps you with the crickets, BD


Yes, it is nice to see someone else post.  :D


If you have any suggestions on how to open the gates a bit, I'm all ears.

The new forum upgrade, which I'm still waiting on, will eliminate the problem of losing your post without the need to copy before you post.

Now that that's out of the way, I'm 3-1 in my Madden franchise. I'm playing in coach-mode as opposed to owner-mode so I don't have to deal with all the little details. I basically prep my team and play the games. Madden is definitely one of my favorite games so far.

I had a chance to play NBA Live over the weekend and have come to realize that the 5-on-5 gameplay is far inferior to NBA 2k15. The game is just to fast and there are far too many blocked shots. It's a shame no sliders were included in the game because these are issues that could have been fixed easily with some slider adjustments. Playing NBA 2K15 immediately afterwards really made me appreciate how much better the game is so I'll probably start an offline franchise in that too and see if I can do a better job of rebuilding the Knicks than Phil Jackson can.

Also planning to dig into Shadow of Mordor soon. The pick-up-and-play ease of the sports games has kept me away of investing time in some of the less-familiar games in my library at the moment.

Brad Company

My Destiny Space Barbie is now level 30., if that's of interest.  It's really true that that is when the game actually begins.
Having some peeps to play with is essential for the most advanced content.
Got 3 more games for $9 at GS. Uncharted2, Mass Effect3 and Virtua Fighter 5. At 3 bucks a game, you can't lose.



I have no idea how to get more members. Maybe letting people see the forums without having to log in to see posts?


Quote from: BDSooner72 on February 09, 2015 @ 04:18 PM
I have no idea how to get more members. Maybe letting people see the forums without having to log in to see posts?

Done. It's something I've been considering for while but held off on because of the enormous amount of spammers that visit each day. They'll now be able to view the forums but still won't be able to post or register if their IP address is blacklisted.



This is now the second year in a row that Microsoft's consoles won't have a real baseball game. WTF is Microsoft thinking, especially when they own the High Heat source code? This was a major reason I went with the PS4 this generation.

Brad Company

They're probably thinking it would be a huge money sink to launch a new baseball franchise now.
The trend of fewer licensed sports games will continue. NHL series will be the next to visit the headsman.


Quote from: BDSooner72 on February 06, 2015 @ 09:27 AM
Now I need to find something to get me by until The Order: 1866 comes out.

Finally a third-person shooter for the PS4. I'm keeping my eyes on this one too.

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