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Personal Gaming Thread

Started by Jason, January 31, 2014 @ 05:25 PM

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I don't get it. My son and I started watching some reviews of the game last night and we're not seeing what everyone else is seeing.

First of all, I said from the very beginning that it was a mistake to make an Indiana Jones game in first person and the gameplay I've seen so far has not changed my mind. The fact that they have to switch to a third person camera for a lot of scenes proves the entire game should have just been done that way. Also, the third person animations look terrible. My son literally just finished playing the original Xbox version of Splinter Cell Chaos Theory and the climbing animations look they were used for Indiana Jones. The worst is when the camera jumps between first and third person views when swinging on your whip.

Based on the review videos I've seen (about 5 so far) the entire game seems like you're sneaking up behind someone and hitting them with a shovel or punching them with ridiculous fighting animations. Don't even get me started on the ridiculous fighting stance with the two fists in front of his face like he's a boxer from 1800's Ireland. The best part is when the enemies start throwing air punches when they're 20 feet away from you.

The whole game just gives me a PS2-era vibe and I'm not remotely impressed. I'll take Uncharted or Tomb Raider over this game any day.



As a fan of the Wolfenstein Series and MachineGames, first person is what they do and they do it well. Along with dealing with Nazi's. They got this, can't wait to play it and this is coming from someone that was never a big fan of Indiana Jones movies.


Okay after watching some of the gameplay videos the combat can be rough at times.

I like ACG reviews. Funny and pretty unbiased.


That was one of the better reviews I've seen. I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing a lot of the flaws I've mentioned.

Another complaint is that they made disguises a big part of the "stealth", but you're not able see yourself wearing it during gameplay. There's a notification on the HUD telling you that you're disguised.

The best part is when you're just walking around - you basically control a dot on the screen. It brings back memories of playing Adventure on an Atari 2600 in the late 70's.


Maximum Football (Game Preview) just released on the Xbox Free to play and an option for a paid version that will have more stuff.


The gameplay is rough. Glitches galore. Players freezing in space, weird ball physics on tipped passes. You only have three stadiums that are just rebranded by the team you choose. Could only play day games, did not see any options to change TOD and weather. Very bare bones and a ton of upgrades are locked to paid users.

There is a college dynasty mode that looks interesting. Far better conference customization than CFB25. You can rename conferences and change logos. Also, nice that you can edit uniforms in the actual game, instead of having to go to a website. There was plenty to manage, including recruiting.

The problem is the gameplay made me not want to test anything out and I just deleted it. There is potential to be a good alternative but at minimum a couple years away.


Hasn't this game been around for a while? I thought it was originally done by a small developer and then bought by a larger one.

I believe this year's game was built using UE 5, so it looks much better than the previous games that looked like PS2 era games. I'll definitely check it out since it's free.


Around a long time. It was originally called CFL 99 (Canadian Football) and was a one man dev team and only on PC. Then it became Maximum Football. One year they tossed Doug Flutie on the cover and in the title. Eventually sold to another company and here we are.


Just completed Ratchet and Clank: A Rift Apart. A 9 out of 10 and one of my favorite games this year. It's a meaty game, especially if you hunt for all the collectables. Graphics are just stunning in every area you go to. Platforming sections are fun and the combat is solid. You get to buy and upgrade almost 20 weapons and throwables. I stuck to the guns, most of the throwables were gimmicky but if I played on higher difficulty the need to use certain ones would be a necessity. There are some light puzzle sections, nothing difficult but short breaks from the action.

Only gripe is the armor you collect along the way. These sets grant bonuses if you collect all three items. Problem is, by the time you collect these you are already at the end game.

Now I am onto Horizon Forbidden West. Just started the first section and relearning how everything works.


I hate to keep shitting on Indiana Jones, but there's a glitch that allows you to play the game in third-person and it's obvious why Machine Games makes first-person games.

Link to video:

Those animations are terrible. There's another video I saw of the fighting in third-person which explains why it looks so bad in first-person. The animations are unbelievably bad. I'll post it if I find it again.

Edit - Found it:


No rush to play it, hopefully a couple patches help clean some issues up.

Right now I am just basking in the greatness that is in Horizon Forbidden West. Appreciating Lance Reddick's voice one last time in a video game. He was in so many games and shows I loved, from Destiny to The Wire and the Bosch Series. Just an amazing voice and delivery.

Horizon Zero Dawn is the only PS game I ever Platinumed. Forbidden West just improved on everything I loved about the first. Except for the underwater stuff I am dreading because I have a fear of drowning. Fortunately, there is an option to turn off drowning. Have yet to turn it on but came close the first story section that had you escaping underwater.


Let's not forget how great Lance Reddick is in the John Wick movies.

I will get around to playing both Horizon games at some point, especially now that I paid for the Zero Dawn PS5 update.


Horizon Forbidden West and the DLC completed. Better than the original in every way and Zero Dawn was an excellent game. No platinum this time as I don't have the patience to run around finding every hidden recording, plus I have to get back to playing God of War.

The only story issue I have with the game is the developers need to cater to the crowd that has to define her sexuality.

If You Won't Give Aloy A Girlfriend, Make Her Asexual

I have no problems playing as a gay person. Loved playing as Ellie in TLOU. Cyberpunk was me essentially living out a lesbian fantasy with my female V. Sir Hammerlock is one of my favorite Borderlands characters and there was a whole DLC based on him getting married to Wainright Jakobs. But with Aloy you go through two games where she is essentially asexual and thwarts off any advances. Only to hit the DLC and she magically falls for a girl. It felt tacked on for the sake of appeasing a small audience.


I need to get back on track with my single player games. I stopped playing Control around Thanksgiving and need to get started again.

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