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Personal Gaming Thread

Started by Jason, January 31, 2014 @ 05:25 PM

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Finished God of War Ragnarok last night and it's definitely a more epic game. The scale of the final battle was so impressive that I can't believe this game is on the PS4 too. The graphics, combat and gameplay have all been improved and story goes into many different directions.

My only complaint is that I felt they padded the length of the game with some levels that went on too long or could have been optional missions. I'd rather play a tightly focused game that's shorter than a game with padding just to extend its length. Unfortunately, I think I'm in the minority as today's gamers cry if a AAA game isn't 25+ hours.

On to the Valhalla DLC...

Edit: Had to go back to the main game and visit a final realm one more time for the true ending.


I've completed 14 of the 15 playlist in The Crew Motorfest and am back to earning enough money so I can buy the car required for the final playlist (Dream Cars).

Also hoping to have some time to wrap up the God of War Ragnarok DLC.


My younger son has inspired me to finally start playing all the Assassin's Creed games I own. Since November he's completed (in this order):

  • AC Mirage
  • AC 1
  • AC The Ezio Collection (AC 2, AC Revelations, AC Brotherhood)
  • AC 3 Remastered
  • AC Liberation
  • AC 4 Black Flag

I just bought Rogue Remastered on Xbox, so he's going to start that after he beats Demon's Soul. I started AC 1 last night and really enjoyed it once I started getting used to the controls. It's nice having my son around while I play because he can explain things I need help with. I must have lost a lot of brain cells overs the years because these games to seem to be more complicated than ever to me.


I've completed 6 of the 9 assassinations required to complete the AC and hope to finish it tonight. It'll be the first AC game I've every completed and it only took me 17 years to do it.

I'm looking forward to AC 2 because it supposedly fixes a lot of the issues I have with the original game like the bad parkour controls and ease of alerting enemies while walking around the cities.


I finished AC 1 tonight and take back everything good I said about the game. The combat becomes so difficult that it stopped being enjoyable. The bad parkour controls made the game much harder and frustrating than it needed to be, and the guards constantly being alerted to your presence got old by the end of the game. I ended up having my son beat a lot of the missions with combat later in the game.

The guards constantly swarm you and unless you have perfect timing to pull off a block/instant kill combo, you'll never do any damage to them. Even when you do time it correctly, another guard will hit you to stop your animation from playing out. It guess going from God of War, which has great combat, to an Xbox 360 game didn't help things.

Don't even get me started on the camera and horrible throwing knife controls. I'm so glad to be done with this game and hope 2 is much better.


I'm halfway through AC2 and the gameplay is MUCH better. Assuming things don't take a turn for the worse in the second half, all of my complaints with the first game have been improved on in this game.


I'm on sequence 13 of 14 in AC2 (sequences 12 & 13 are DLC that are bundled into the Remastered version) and can't believe how good this game is. I'm looking forward to Brotherhood and Revelations, which my son said are on par with it. 

Brad Company

Hiding in a stack of hay never gets old.


Finished up AC2 last night. It's easily a 9/10. The included DLC messes up the pacing of the story a little bit, but it doesn't hurt the overall game, and the final sequence was amazing.


I should be done with AC: Brotherhood either tonight or tomorrow night. The story may not be as good as AC 2, but the gameplay improvements and additions make it a much better game.


Finished up AC: Brotherhood last night. If Revelations is half as good as the first two games (and I'm told it is), this will up there with some of the great gaming trilogies like Uncharted, Tomb Raider and Gears of War.


I finished AC: Revelations over the weekend and thought it was great. It had the best city, graphics and gameplay of the first four games. The overall story was not as strong as Two and Brotherhood, but it did a great job of not only wrapping up Ezio's story, but Altair's too. I'd highly recommend this trilogy and can see myself playing through the entire thing again. For now, I plan on finishing Leonardo Da Vinci's side-missions in Brotherhood, along with taking over some Templar Towers.


Been rotating between DCS World, Run 8 Train Simulator and Helldivers 2. 

Man, Helldivers is a hoot.  Even with randoms.  What a slick experience.  Dropping to the music of the swelling horn section never gets old.


My son and I have considered trying out Helldivers 2. I've heard nothing but good things about it.


I have nothing but good things to say about it.  Even playing with randos is fine.  It'a hoot.  Here's the last 8 minutes of a mission with me, my son, and my nephew.  We're pretty low level here.

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