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PS5 Info

Started by Jason, January 07, 2020 @ 11:31 AM

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I agree - frame rate is more noticeable and more important to me. I can tell immediately if a game is running at 30fps or 60fps, but I'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between 1440 and 1080 resolutions.


As much as I am enjoying TLOU2 they did something I hate in games. Having to kill dogs. Multiple dogs, that are not wild but trained dogs with handlers.

I tried to stealth through it but never got far.


I hate killing any type of animal in games. It's one of the things I disliked in the Tomb Raider series.

I'm guessing you're on Seattle day 2 or 3. Just wait, you'll be more pissed off.


New PS5 firmware update out today that finally includes the customizable Welcome Hub, which replaces the useless Explore Hub.

Full Details:


Two things that are a bit annoying right now with the PS5.

The store seems needlessly complex. You have a pre order section that lists a small section of games. There is no true coming soon section. If you scroll down to the one area where you can select PS5 games you get a mixture of games that are out and just announced games. Also would it be that hard to put on the box covers that a game is VR only. Just slap it right at the bottom where it shows if it is a PS4/PS5 game.

Second, if you are going to raise the prices of the controller $5, how about raise the battery life while you are at it.


The entire PS5 UI is far worse than the Xbox's. I'm still annoyed about them reversing the functions of the long and short presses on the PS button. I don't know if anybody uses them, but the activity cards seems to be a huge waste of space to me too.

A second controller and charging station are almost a requirement for all PS5 owners. I know the Dual Sense has more features than the Xbox controller, but I can literally go weeks without the need to charge my Xbox controller while not being able to go more than 2 days without charging my Dual Sense.


Brent, are you still paying TLOU 2?


Yup, Day 3 Seattle. More dogs to deal with. I go really slow with these games, trying to find all the collectable stuff like the notes and comic cards, because I rarely play through games like this a second time no matter how much I love it. If a game has alternate endings I just youtube them.

They do a good job of keeping your resources fairly low by limiting how many you can have at one time. I don't think I have used the smoke bomb once. Occasionally use shrapnel bomb on non humans. Mostly use the Molotov. Bow is my fav weapon but use guns more due to never having enough tape. This game needs more tape like Don't Fear the Reaper needs more Cowbell.

Story has been great, though I tend to play as Ellie through the eyes of Joel. More as a father figure. So all the romance stuff makes me uncomfortable too. Which I have to credit the writers for, as I rarely care about a character enough to feel this way. I doubt the game will ever pull me against Joel because if such a thing happened in real life, with today's society as fractured as it is, we would make most of these characters look like angels in comparison.


Things will get very interesting really soon...


They did get interesting. I am up to the section where Abby has to go back to the aquarium area to find her ex bf.

[spoiler]Abby having to use a dog on patrol. Leave the good boys out of your territorial spat with the cultists. The game has made it impossible for me to like her. Hates dogs, possibly Zebras (she did not dad to waste time looking after it), her dad was a monster, a terrible taste in men and she killed one of the few redeeming characters in the game, Jessie. Plus she joined the WLF which may have started with good intentions, but based on some of the notes you read was just as bad as the rest of the factions.

While they tried to frame it that the cure was a given, there is no way to know that until Ellie (a child that had to be killed) and it was actually tested on people. Plus if the fireflies were to somehow make a cure, then they gain the power they have been seeking throughout what I can recall from the original. The Fireflies were not all rainbows and sunshine.

TLDR; They are all monsters. Except Jessie and the dogs.


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My son and I have spent hours discussing how the series should end, assuming they make a third one. He thought Ellie should finally give her life to make a cure and have the world start to rebuild. I strongly disagree with that. I think they should realize that they can't make a vaccine from Ellie, which makes Joel's decision at the end of part one to be the correct one and makes him a hero. It's not like these games are known for having happy endings, so it would seem out of place for a cure to be available.

Or...they could never answer the question and just leave it up to the player to decide whether or not Joel did the right thing. For the record, I think he did.


Youthful optimism is great but in the TLOU world a cure would be nothing more than a means to power and control by the Fireflies. The world would not be saved by it.

I agree with you on Joel, though I might not go as far as calling him a hero.

The great thing about the series is it really shows how split people are as to who are the good/bad guys are. The problem is the story in TLOU2 tries too hard to make you root for Abby, when she is just as flawed as the rest of them.


Quote from: BoomerSooner on September 19, 2024 @ 11:25 AMThe problem is the story in TLOU2 tries too hard to make you root for Abby, when she is just as flawed as the rest of them.

That's the main reason a lot of people hate the game.


New 30th Anniversary hardware revealed today. I have the 20th Anniversary controller for the PS4 and hope I can get the 30th for the PS5. I love the classic colors.


Just completed the mission with Abby where you have to get med supplies for the Seraphite at the hospital. That monstrosity took me down a few times. I am kinda softening on Abby, if not for her obsession with that D bag Owen, I might even like her.

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