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PS5 Info

Started by Jason, January 07, 2020 @ 11:31 AM

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I just purchased PS5 Digital Edition (God of War) console for my younger son for Christmas. Maybe I'll finally be able to play mine now.


The Witcher 3 next-gen update is out today. Unfortunately, it requires 85GB of SSD space, so I won't be installing it anytime soon.

Brad Company

What's taking up all of the space?


A majority of the games belong to my son, but I'll be able to delete them once he gets his PS5 for Christmas.

Brad Company

So, RDR1 is being ported, not remastered, for PS4/5. Undead Nightmare makes the cut, multiplayer doesn't.
Sony intends on charging full price for this, good god they have no shame.


I think Rockstar is to blame for this. They also outsourced it to a studio (Double Eleven) with a less than stellar record. You'd think they would have learned their lesson from the GTA Trilogy Collection disaster, but I guess not. To say I'm disappointed by this announcement would be an understatement.


Amazon is currently running a sale on Dual Sense controllers ($49). I ended up buying the Cosmic Red one.


Quote from: Brad Company on August 07, 2023 @ 08:00 PMSo, RDR1 is being ported, not remastered, for PS4/5. Undead Nightmare makes the cut, multiplayer doesn't.
Sony intends on charging full price for this, good god they have no shame.
What makes this even more frustrating is that Rockstar already recreated the entire world of RDR 1 in RDR 2. You'd think having the entire world already updated to the new engine/graphics would go a long way towards getting a full remaster done.

Brad Company

Instead, they sub out a quick port of the inferior PS3 version and make a quick buck, because lord knows that Shark Card money is never enough.


My 2TB internal drive for my PS5 arrived today. I'm downloading a bunch of games right now and hope I'll still have some room available once I'm done.


I just had my first stick drift issue ever with the Dual Sense controller that shipped with my console. The controller hasn't even been used much since I use my purple controller most of the time.

I don't understand why this has become such an issue with modern consoles. I've had 10 Dual Shock 4 controllers and never had the issue. My son is still using two different Dual Shock 2 controllers on my PS2 and I have the original Dual Analog, which came out before the Dual Shock, from my PS 1 days that still works fine.

If anyone runs into the issue, you can confirm it using this gamepad tester:

Brad Company

I think L3/R3 inputs are so common now it blows out the sticks. It ate up several DS4s of mine until I got the back button attachment. I use the pro controllers on PS5 and Series for the same reason.


I'd have no problem paying the money for an Elite controller since I really like the way they look, but I've heard they have quality-control issues and are also prone to stick drift.

Maybe they'll add Hall Effect sensors to the Elite 3.0, which would make it a must buy.

Brad Company

I have the DualSense Edge and now the Elite Series 2. Zero issues with either, I think a lot of people are just really rough on their stuff.


Quote from: Brad Company on August 22, 2023 @ 03:24 PMI have the DualSense Edge and now the Elite Series 2. Zero issues with either, I think a lot of people are just really rough on their stuff.
I can't argue with that. I don't understand how people can spend so much money on things and then treat them like shit. Every game, console and controller I've owned is still in mint condition, including my NES and Genesis.

My younger son takes after me. He uses isopropyl rubbing alcohol with Q-tips and compressed air to clean his controllers every few weeks.

My son and I watch a YouTube channel called TronixFix, where he buys broken consoles and accessories to fix them. There were PS5 consoles that were in such bad shape only a few months after it was released. What do these people do to get scratches all over their consoles?

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