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NBA Live 19

Started by Jason, August 24, 2018 @ 12:21 PM

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I lost all interest in 2k once Live became a viable option again. The over-complicated controls and micro transactions are a big turn off.

The good news for consumers is that these yearly sports games seem to be getting discounted earlier than ever before.

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Just played a few games today for the first time in a few weeks. There have been 3 patches since then and the game is playing better than ever. One thing I noticed right away was all of the new commentary added to the game. It was so basic and repetitive when it first came out, but now it's so good. I know Madden does commentary updates, but they don't seem as drastic as Live's commentary updates. I'm not one to usually complain or even make a big deal out of commentary in games, but this is like night and day from when it was first released. Great job by the Live team this year.

Brad Company

10 bucks on PSN, through 1/15.


Was going to post that. You'd be crazy not to buy it at that price.


Down to $6 for the All-Star edition.

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Brad Company

The game must be a sales disaster to be so cheap for so long every year. They must be counting the days until the licensing is up.

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